Oscar nominee Denis Villeneuve (“Arrival,” “Blade Runner 2049”) directs Warner Bros. Pictures and Legendary Pictures’ “Dune,” the big-screen adapt...
#dune #duneparttwo #dunepart2 #dunereview #duneratingsGet a sneak preview in just 5 minutes! Instant Movie Magic in 5 min. Find out more about the creators, cas...
When the Atreides family gets betrayed, the young heir, Paul, leads a rebellion to restore his family's control of the desert planet Arrakis....
When the Atreides family gets betrayed, the young heir, Paul, leads a rebellion to restore his family's control of the desert planet Arrakis....
When the Atreides family gets betrayed, the young heir, Paul, leads a rebellion to restore his family's control of the desert planet Arrakis....